An Appeal to Help Secure the Future of a Unique Collection

Shuttleworth is unique in that its aircraft are maintained in airworthy condition and its vehicles are regularly driven, making it a living, working collection. Every year, from May to October, this has given visitors of all ages the chance to watch history come alive; to hear the engines and smell the castor oil in the air!
As friends of the Shuttleworth Collection, the Shuttleworth Veteran Aeroplane Society (SVAS) supports the Collection in many ways, including providing funds which in normal circumstances assist with the cost of maintaining and restoring the aircraft and vehicles. Hitherto, income from air displays and admissions has covered most other costs. Now SVAS reserve funds are being used to support the Collection during the current unprecedented crisis as, despite the site being closed and generating no income, costs are still being incurred. We are now appealing to you to support us in emergency fund raising to help secure the future of the Collection so that we and future generations can all continue to enjoy the Shuttleworth experience when this dreadful crisis is over.
Whilst we appreciate that times are challenging at the moment and some of our regular visitors and supporters may be working reduced hours, on furlough or unable to work, if you would like to help we welcome donations, however large or small, as anything that will assist to ‘Keep Them Flying’ would be very much appreciated.
Donate now by printing and completing this donation form
Donations can also be made online by using PayPal
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